Spirit of Cypress, the Breath

SFr. 26.40

The Spirit of Cypress supports us in following our path with rigour and uprightness and in giving dignity to our existence. After we have been knocked down by some adverse event, it lifts us up and straightens us out, and encourages us to return to a full life. Cypress helps us to emerge proudly from a difficult situation, or from a vicious circle that keeps us imprisoned.

The Cypress Spirit helps to:

  • emerging proudly from very difficult situations
  • resolutely return to centring
  • follow their own path with dignity and uprightness
  • reinforcing the essential
  • overcoming the loss of loved ones and things
  • giving dignity and pride to the body even in degenerative diseases
  • protect genetic information.

Also useful for:

  • help the body defend itself against radiation
  • massages on the spinal column, from the bottom upwards
  • for watering garden seeds


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