Quaderni di frontiera, I sleep well

SFr. 9.60

AuthorsHubert Bosch, Rosa Massari, Lucilla Satanassi, Salvatore Satanassi

Format14.5x21 mm - 96 pages

ISBN 9788888140117

SeriesFrontier Notebooks

Sleeping is a bit like dying. We are forced to relinquish control of the mind, relying on the unconscious and its mysteries. That is why it is often so difficult to get a good night's sleep: sleep has much more to do with our psyche than we imagine.

To regain or preserve a good night's sleep we must be willing to investigate our daily habits, our approach to life, identifying all those stressors, external or self-induced, that condition our emotions and, consequently, our sleep. We must learn to listen to ourselves and take responsibility for our insomnia. Only then will we have already begun to heal.

This notebook is a multi-voice symposium: 4 expert naturopaths and herbalists they offer their expertise to explore the topic of sleep and related issues, proposing alternative and natural therapeutic methods, practices, treatments and relaxation rituals.

A vademecum of advice and food for thought that will guide us towards the conquest of 'sleeping well'.

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