Quaderni di frontiera, Breathing well

SFr. 9.60

Authors: Hubert Bosch, Rosa Massari, Lucilla Satanassi , Salvatore Satanassi

Format: 14.5x21 mm - 96 pages

ISBN 9788888140124

Series: Frontier Notebooks




The respiratory system is very similar to an inverted tree: with the roots in the nose, the trunk as the throat and the lungs as the crown, ours really does look like a 'respiratory tree'.
The link between us and these plants is extraordinary: we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, and they exhale carbon dioxide. An exchange of vital breath that obliges us to welcome the other, be it human or plant.

Breath is relationship.

For this reason, manifestations of the respiratory system cannot be seen only as flu symptoms, but must be welcomed as important signals of something that is asking to be expressed, coughed up, expelled, blown out.

This book is a handbook of natural remedies, advice and body practices to prevent and treat the most common respiratory problems.

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